Sunday, March 12, 2006

I really must stop listening to the news...

I swear on day I'll simply pull all my hair out. And that's a lot of hair!! I'm watching the news tonight when I hear this Canadian guy gets pulled over at the border and arrested. Yeah so that isn't the deal. It's what he was arrested for. Evading the Vietnam War!! Some 40 years ago this guy, then 19 ran to Canada. So what, so did many, many others. He never changes his name, he makes a life here, marries a woman here, pays taxes, has children and somewhere along the line becomes a Canadian citizen. Like many others. He goes across the border on a regular basis over the years too. Regularly. Trips to see family, family vacations, etc.

He and his wife decide to go to Reno for a short vacation. Nothing different than anything they've done for the last 30+ years they've been married. Off they go. They cross the border and he is arrested for being A.W.O.L. !!!!! He is now in Camp Pendelton and about to be shipped back to where he was originally when he took off at 19.

What's going to happen to him? Well..... he could get 5 years in a Military Prison!!! Ok... I'm sorry.... I really don't see the sanity in this. Shouldn't the US gov't be attending to other business like helping the people of New Orleans. Getting them homes, helping them rebuild. Worrying about the homeless, health care, and several other issues?

Instead, they are taking some poor schmuck who has never even changed his freakin name to avoid the U.S. gov't, still lived right across the border, crossed the stupid border on a regular basis, and shoving him in the hole for 5 years at the cost of the American Tax payer???? Oh... this makes lots of sense.

All the US gov't is trying to do is prevent kids today from running up here to avoid Iraq the way they avoided Vietnam.


Blogger the fourth dimension said...

well what can you say...that is governments for you, eh?

it is the same every where. and we are to blame ourselves, no other. importance and precedence is given to unimportant matters, and people who need help immediately are ignored.

Monday, March 13, 2006 2:08:00 pm  
Blogger iwant said...

You got that right... One would think that they would have learned from the first time they voted Bush in though... but no, they went ahead and voted him in for a 2nd term. Good thing that's all he can do. Two terms is it in the States, I just can't figure out why they voted him in again. sheesh.

Monday, March 13, 2006 2:59:00 pm  

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