Saturday, March 11, 2006

Why can't men.....

Keep it in their pants??? I simply cannot believe the news this morning. Yesterday the police pulled a "prostitution sting" in the Parkdale region of our City. They arrested a ton of "Johns", one of which had his 4 year old son in the back seat of the freakin car with him!!!! Yup...... and he had directed the child to sit still while he did his business!!!

Can we say "Kill the assh*le"????????? Could you imagine the police bringing your baby home and telling you this story???????? He needs to be hung by the kahoona's and flogged if you ask me. At a minimum!!! I'd say print the bastards name in the papers however his poor wife is probably more humiliated than she ever thought she would be already or ever needed to be. Here's one divorce coming up. And grounds for no visitation too as far as I'm concerned.


Blogger iwant said...

That guy shouldn't even have the right to visit his son. Imagine... this is what he is teaching him? What else is he teaching him? geezzzzz

Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:37:00 pm  

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