Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ouchie...... :-(

What a day, I feel like the world's biggest meanie. My Chinchilla Tiffany was obviously having some issues again. She's getting to be an old girl, 9 now and last year she started having dental issues. Spurs. Big time ouchie for her. She went off her food, lost some weight, drooled all over the place. A drooling chinchilla is not a good sign. Night before last she wouldn't take her treats, not a good sign, then I saw her fur which looked matted down her little chin and neck. The next morning I called my vet only to find out she left the animal clinic here! Yikes! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find a vet that will treat a chinchilla?? They are very few and far between. Anyway, the guy there at least gave me her cell #.

I called her and today she made a house call for me and oh boy...... what torture it was for poor Tiffany but her teeth got clipped and the spurs (there were 2 again) got filed down really good. I had to hold her wrapped up in a hand towel like a little cocoon, the poor thing. She was fighting me off. We had to stop a few times to give her a rest and a bit of a breather. All these horrid implements in her teeny mouth to hold it open and big files that would jam on her spurs and I actually said ouch a couple of times it was so hard to file the spurs and the file would get stuck on them. geezzzzz

So...... Tiff is in her jar now, in her cage and is sulking. I have to keep an eye on her and let my vet know what's going on. And this would happen at Passover, not last week. Doesn't matter, like most pet owners I'd do about anything for her even if it costs a lot.


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