Sunday, March 19, 2006


Should be a lazy day but I need to get out of here soon and run some errands and then maybe, just maybe get a bit of the day to myself. It's been a few days since I've posted anything but nothing all that exciting has happened. Yesterday I ran over to crappy tire for myself and my neighbour and purchased a new ceiling fan for each of us. Took the last two in the store. Crappy tire, the store I love to hate. Drives me banana's. Friday I noticed they had my ceiling fan on sale for 1/2 price. I have needed a new one for years in my kitchen but until I purchased this last one for the bedrooms I didn't bother. These are great though so since it was 1/2 price I decided to grab one for the kitchen. The sale started on Saturday, we got there at 12:15 pm and there were only 2 left in the store!!! Yeah, I scooped them but how annoying. This is nothing new for this store. They never have the good sale stuff in stock! Matter of fact, they are on the "Hall of Shame" on my disabled site for a lot of their antics. After that I scooted on over to Dominion who had my coffee on for about 1/2 price too! Good day for sales :-)

Almost got home, about 10 minutes away when my cell phone rings and it's my brother, he's at my place!! He wasn't expected for 40 minutes yet. He, his son and his son's girlfriend were here to have some photo's taken. So, I shot TJ's tattoo's. Dave's tattoo's.... lol ok... When he was born his actual first name was David for my father but he was always called TJ (which is his legal middle name). He's about 23 now and suddenly about 5 or so years ago he decided he wanted to be called by his real first name. Nothing wrong with that, he was named for my father but after 18 years of calling him his middle name I can never remember to call him that. lol

Anyway, we needed pics of his tat's for the website so I shot several. If you want to peek..... peek here These are not all his tats. Just some. He didn't want all his tats photographed due to the fact that some are one of a kinds that he designed and doesn't want them lifted from the web and on someone else. They are personal and his only. Like his girlfriend, I didn't shoot her tats either because they're designed by him for her specifically.

I think they may have found a storefront for the business too. That's what they were doing, driving around town looking at locations for the tattoo parlour. Area's where there are not a load of them already or ones that have been there for years on end. High Park probably. A bit farther from me than I wanted because I wanted to be able to go over a lot and photograph folks tats and the process for the site but such is life and they have to go where the rent is reasonable and the area isn't flooded with tattoo parlours already.

So.... today I'm off and running (scooting) again. Need to go pick up some money owed me for Avon, then over to the bargain store to see if I can buy a cheap answering machine. I have an old one but for the life of me can't remember how to use the damn thing and the instructions are gone. Nowhere to be seen. Checked everywhere. I refuse to pay Bell Canada $7.00 + tax a month for their call answer service so I'll head down to the bargain store and see what if anything, is available there. Then home to deliver more Avon, post more flyers (posted flyers yesterday about the new community group I'm starting for 40 yrs & over) and work on a statement I have to give later in the week.

This is an extremely busy week for me with meetings, and going back and forth to the hospital with my mom for tests and several other things. I have a page for each day taped to my closet door so I can keep track of things and keep on track. I have to pace myself, I get tired easy at times due to my health issues so I write out what I have to do each day and what can wait and make sure I stick as close to the list as possible.


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