Saturday, January 21, 2006

f*cking boneheads.... politicians!

Enough already. What kind of shit is this? These politicians are going too far these days. All the muck throwing, the he did she did crap and now they are pulling shitty little tactics to get you to listen to them.

My sister's daughter moved away last summer and funds are a bit tight for her so her mom (my sister) suggested to my mom to give the kid (well she's 22) a call this weekend sometime. So we are getting ready to go out and the phone rings and it's the Operator asking if we can accept this call. Now.... if someone calls long distance collect you get the operator asking you that so you will accept the bill for it. So of course, my mom thinks it's a call from her granddaughter and accepts the call.

NOT!!! It's a freakin political message to vote for Jack Layton! What kind of shit is that? Then he has the nerve in his political messages to bitch about other politicans fooling the voters. grrrrrrrr Think I'm going to go find his website and leave him a little message or email.


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