Sunday, August 20, 2006

too busy.... and I was strangled too!

Whew.... too busy a summer but I'm still getting time to enjoy it. After I was robbed I was strangled..... lol seriously. I'm scootering along at a good pace trying to get some stuff done and it's raining out. So I borrowed my mom's rain poncho. Mine had bit the dust and I was having a hard time finding another. I love these things because they cover my entire scooter and my backpack on the back keeping everything nice and dry. So, I borrow hers. Now... hers is the same as mine. So I toss it on and away I go. I get about 15 minutes from home and all of a sudden my neck snaps back and I'm stunned. I feel something around my freakin neck and I stop the scooter dead in it's tracks. I realize what the hell is going on. Somehow, some way, the bottom edge of the poncho has got stuck to my back tire!! Not only stuck but wrapped around it. I slowly backed up and unravelled the damn thing. I've been using these same ponchos for more years than I can remember. Nothing even close to this has ever happened. I ripped the shit out of her poncho and my neck was sore for days. I've since bought myself some new ones, same ones but I now tuck it under my ass before I go along. I'm paranoid about it now. I don't know why this happened. It still makes no sense unless that one poncho was longer than my own. Didn't look like it though. hmmmmm Geezzzzzz robbed.. strangled.... cripes what a summer


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